Sunday, January 25, 2015


It was getting too warm, the snow was getting slushy, and ice started accumulating on my skis.  It didn't matter, the beauty of the day was enough to ignore any possible irritation.

Slush, mud, ice and fun
It was snowing when we got up this morning.  And we'd slept late.  I kept thinking:

It is too cold
It is too windy
It is too wet
that ice will melt and then it will be mud
Wouldn't it be nicer to stay inside and watch old movies?

And sure, it would have been nice to stay in all cozy-like, but we'd have missed this:
And this:
Excuses aside, TODAY was one of the reasons we moved to Iowa.  In the last year, we've been to some of the most spectacular, stunning places in North America:  Big Bend, Guadalupe Mountains, Glacier National Park, Yellowstone, Arches, but Iowa City's Hickory Hill Park TODAY rivaled their beauty.

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